The Wonderful World of Sick

Since my last post, I can sum up what I’ve been doing since then in one word, really: sick.

I actually started getting sick on November 2nd; I figured it was just a chest cold with some sinus congestion. But (without getting too graphic here) there has been enough continuing sick going on every morning that I’m heading to the doctor’s office this afternoon; it’s now day 9 and I am getting increasingly worried. If it turns out to be bronchitis, for instance, there is a good chance that I will have to scratch my marathon that is 13 days away. For now I’m playing this by ear.

Other than that, not much. (Being sick has helped that.) Cancelled a lot of plans over the weekend and just stayed in. Missed all of the big celebrations downtown last Tuesday night (as well as a friend from a mailing list who was in DC as the culmination of a report he was writing for the Guardian in the UK), had a really low-key birthday dinner for Charlie on Wednesday (I had no idea the California Pizza Kitchen in Pentagon City was such a gay couple hang-out, incidentally), and generally… not much else going on.

On the bright side, with the exception of last night’s tv (Amazing Race, True Blood, Entourage) I am completely caught up on my tv viewing, so that’s nice. The one upside to not being terribly active, I suppose. Hopefully in the next day or two breathing will return to normal and I can start getting some exercise again, and on Thursday we’ll still get to see the Washington Shakespeare Company’s production of All’s Well That Ends Well. Ironically I never did study this play in college because when those days hit… I was sick! Ha! So I’m looking forward to seeing this infamous “problem play” for the first time. Fingers crossed.