Movies: 2007

This is more for my own amusement than anything else; these are the movies that I saw in the theatre (versus on DVD, or watched on a plane, or some other non-movie-theatre option) in 2007. My list for 2006 is pretty pathetic (it was a bad year for me getting out and catching a flick!), so the difference should hopefully be pretty significant!

  1. Dreamgirls (01/07)
  2. Pan’s Labyrinth (01/11)
  3. Casino Royale (01/14)
  4. Volver (02/09)
  5. Children of Men (02/10)
  6. Babel (02/24)
  7. Hot Fuzz (05/06)
  8. Ratatouille (07/01)
  9. 1408 (07/13)
  10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (07/15)
  11. The Bourne Ultimatum (08/18)
  12. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (09/03)
  13. The Brave One (09/16)
  14. Death at a Funeral (09/26)
  15. Eastern Promises (09/30)
  16. The Darjeeling Limited (10/07)
  17. Michael Clayton (10/21)
  18. Enchanted (11/25)
  19. Atonement (12/15)
  20. The Savages (12/30)

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