Uberlist 2007: Final Tally

It’s the end of the year, and as such, time to look at what I accomplished on this year’s Uberlist. It’s a pretty good tally this year (45/107 completed), thanks in part to almost everything in my “exercise” category being completed. I’m still working on next year’s list (hopefully in a couple of days), but until then, this will tide things over.

Easiest item completed? Probably the aquarium, which I’d done a good job of maintaining but then got rid of halfway through the year.

Most recent item completed? As I type, I’m watching the last episode from Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 1 DVD set. Down to the wire!

Closest to completed, then failed? Seeing a performance at the Shakespeare Theatre, what the performance I had tickets for on the 27th being cancelled. Oh well, it’ll be easily tackled for next year’s list.

And now, the final tally.


1. Complete a 5K in under 26:23
3. Complete a 10-miler in under 1:32:38
4. Complete a half-marathon in under 2:06:08
5. Complete a marathon in under 4:46:48
7. Go to one gym class
8. Go to the gym on a regular basis
9. Keep my waist fitting in 30″ jeans
10. Learn how to properly use the weights at the gym
11. Quit Gold’s for Arlington Rec, or use Gold’s classes
12. Run regularly each week
13. Run for an 8-mile stretch or higher at least once a month
14. Run a non-DC area race

Local Attractions:

16. Go to an exhibition at the Freer/Sackler Galleries
17. Go up to the top of the Washington Monument
21. Visit the National Museum of the American Indian


23. Complete my 365pictures project
24. Continue to go to Dr. Phillips as needed
27. Get car serviced every 5000 miles
34. Lead the discussion in one of the Lambda Sci-Fi book club selections
35. Read at least 8 of Lambda Sci-Fi’s 11 book club books
40. Resist buying Nintendo games until you’ve thoroughly played the ones you have
41. Start the New Year in a way you want the rest to follow
47. Watch Batman Animated Volume 1 DVDs


52. Go on a small, local vacation
55. Visit Marc when you’re in Los Angeles
56. Visit my grandparents in Pennsylvania


59. Clean aquarium and change filter & water regularly
62. Don’t buy so many frivolous things
66. Get a Christmas tree
67. Get a code for the front door
68. Go through books and donate ones I no longer want
71. Keep piles of stuff from forming
78. Sort through the comics and weed out what you can
79. Sort through file cabinets and shred as needed
82. Take unneeded clothes and appliances to Goodwill
83. Vacuum every week
84. Wear nicer clothing on a regular basis


86. Bring your lunch more often than buying it
87. Clean out and re-arrange my office bookshelves
88. Donate the box of action figures to Goodwill
90. Finish hanging art for the office


96. Mail your marathon thank-you cards
98. Regularly backup and archive my documents folder
102. Write a nice holiday letter and send with cards
103. Write an article for Enlightenment

6 thoughts on “Uberlist 2007: Final Tally

  1. […] New Year to you — take some time to reflect and reprioritize, if you’re so […]

  2. Deb says:

    Ridiculously impressive… congratulations!


  3. Thanks! It’s a fun thing to do, even if you never get beyond making the list–half of it for me is just thinking about what I’d like to accomplish over the course of a year. (And some items are pipe dreams, to put it mildly.) Still need to finish writing this year’s list, though…

  4. Deb D. says:

    A “To Do” list makes much more sense… as long as I don’t lose it. And, I can make a CHART of what I accomplish from year to year! ::wiggling my fingers in anticipation::

  5. […] January 2, 2008 · No Comments Greg McElhatton » Blog Archive » Uberlist 2007: Final Tally […]

  6. Susan says:

    Greg, I was looking forward to this. Cannot wait to see next year’s! I hope it is OK if I get satisfaction of accomplishment through your accomplishment instead of making my own list!
    🙂 Congratulations. You are just plain awesome!


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