Home Again

Last weekend, Charlie and I took a couple of days off and headed up to see some friends and go out to their family home in Sag Harbor. It was a great trip; nice food, good friends, a whole lot of doing nothing. Aside from running a 12-miler on Saturday morning, there really wasn’t lot of effort pushed into anything, which is exactly what I had hoped for. It’s weekends like that where I dream about being fabulously wealthy and living a life of luxury. I suppose it wouldn’t be quite as exciting if I got it all the time. But you never know. I’m willing to take that chance.

Only real disappointment was that I forgot to ever take my camera into town, which is a shame because there were several great photo opportunities along the way. *sigh* So I have almost nothing to share but a few pictures from around the house.

But it was a lovely trip. I kind of wish I was still sitting by the pool and reading a book, or browsing through crazy litle stores. Until next time, certainly.

Sag Harbor Cove



Final Night's Champagne

One thought on “Home Again

  1. planet3rry says:

    I love those types of getaways… however with kids, that is just a distance sweet memory…

    And I hate it when I don’t have a camera for photo ops… it’s like blasphemy or something!

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